Giant Granadilla  - Edible Passion Fruit Zoom

Giant Granadilla - Edible Passion Fruit

Giant Granadilla - Edible Passion Fruit
Item# GP9
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10" plant now. Giant Granadilla Passion flower bears unique, fragrant, pale to deep red flowers, with massive coronas of wavy filaments, and purple and white mottling. Produces greenish-yellow to orange fruit, with sweetly acidic pulp, 8 to 12 inches long. This evergreen to semi-evergreen vine dies back to the ground in colder areas but can remain if well mulched or planted in a sunny location that rarely, if ever, freezes. Leaves are five-lobed and flowers are slightly smaller, but with the same stunningly beautiful flower and edible fruit. Prune out inner growth periodically to keep the plant open and healthy. This hardy climber does so by tendrils and is a favorite food of caterpillars and fritillary butterflies. Wonderful over a trellis as a shade-providing option or as a slope stabilizer, tropical selections can be grown as houseplants in a very bright window. Hardiness Zone 8 - 11. Beautiful over 6" vine plant shipped with 2 free fertilizer spikes included. We remove the 4" pot and send in a baggy to keep roots moist. I guarantee a beautiful plant to arrive. Only one shipping charge of $10.95 for as many plants from our shop as you like. We do not use pesticides on our passionfruit plants.
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