'Mojito' Elephant Ear- Colocasia
Sold out till March. If you're looking to add another wild and crazy elephant ear to your garden, drink up. Colocasia 'Mojito' (pronounced "Mo-he-toe") is a sport of Colocasia 'Burgundy Stem' via Colocasia 'Black Marble'. Named after the popular Cuban mixed drink, the amazing leaves are medium green with dark purple flecks throughout...just too cool! You'll never see an elephant ear as unique and striking as the Mojito. The leaves have a camouflage-like pattern with splashes of deep purple. The uncommon characteristics of the Mojito don't end with the leaves; even the stems are variegated with streaks of purple. Average mature height: 4-6 feet, Light: Full to part sun, Soil: Rich, well-drained. Keep moist. Do not let dry out between waterings. Zones: 7b-11. Beautiful 10" plant shipped.