Solo - Dwarf Papaya Plant Zoom

Solo - Dwarf Papaya Plant

Solo - Dwarf Papaya Plant
Item# SP9
Sale Price Today
Solo is a very desirable sweet strain of papaya that has a firm pink/orange pulp. An average fruit will weigh up to 1 1/2 lbs. Best grown outside in warm climates, but can be raised inside. This dwarf tree starts to flower and set fruit when the plant reaches 4’ tall. Rich in vitamins A, C, and other nutrients, it also contains papain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of protein. Harvest the fruit when the skin yields slightly to the touch and changes from green to yellow. You’ll notice a sweet, delicious aroma when it’s fully ripe. Green papayas are sometimes shredded and used in salads or stews. You can grow this Papaya tree anywhere in the country. If you're in zone 9-11 you can plant it in the ground, but will need to protect your tree from freezing. In colder areas... just plant it in a container and bring it inside for the winter. This variety is noted for its flavor, aroma, and texture. Even the peppery-flavored seeds are edible. Papaya is delicious straight from the tree and can also be made into drinks, jellies, pastes, and desserts dried or candied. Grow in full sun and well-drained soil. Our varieties are all hermaphroditic and therefore do not need a separate plant to pollinate and produce fruit. plants grow to a height of 8′. Grown in a 4" pot. Two free fertilizer spikes and growing instructions are included with the plants. Papaya trees grow best in USDA growing zones 9 and 11. Only one shipping charge of $10.95 for as many plants from our shop as you like. Nice, over 8"+ plant shipped
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